You Cannot Keep A Bad Man Down: “Mokie” will “still get HIS Money!”

Clayton Mokie Tew

Don’t Miss out on Tonight’s MSB Assembly Meeting!

Op Ed by Dennis R. Garrett, and The Truth Hurts Project.

Usually, when I refer to a ‘persistent malicious infection’, it’s for computers, rather than a Community pestilence and low-level criminal empire.

As someone familiar with emerging infections, I propose: “Mokiepox.”

We will review Tews long history of self-serving, nepotistic, and criminal disregard in pursuit of the dregs that society has cast off.

And this is the “Tew Crimes” Story Roll

So, get the popcorn, a pad and paper, and get Ready for The Show:

Assembly Regular Meeting (To Provide Public Comment Telephonically Call 1-855-225-2326)

When: Tonight, Tue Apr 2, 2024 6pm Alaska Time – Where: Mat-Su Borough Assembly Chambers (map)

And For Those Just Joining Us, and Curious about Clayton E. AKA “Mokie” Tew’s long litany of crimes of every type and kind, see: “Tew Crimes”, exclusive to The Big Lake Times.

Some of the articles: How have we let the Most Troublesome and Worst Ever Road Service Area (RSA) contractor…?

“Tew Expensive!” Vote for “Mokie” Tew, and It WILL Cost You!

Exclusive to The Big Lake Times: Tew Crimes Part 1: The Binders of Non-Compliance

Exclusive to The Big Lake Times: “Tew Crimes: The Deep Dive Part 2”

Tew Crimes: Clayton “Mokie” Tew: Alaska Court View.

Visit Clayton “Mokie” Tew’s Asian Erotic Massage Parlor…etc.

Talking Points for tonight’s Matanuska-Susitna Borough Meeting:

IM 24-038 Talking points

1) The MSB completely reworked it’s RSA road contracts this year under the selling point to the assembly that it wanted to clarify the contract and eliminate unexpected costs while bringing more contractors to the table to get more competitive bidding. (How many new contractors bid? One Ben Tew.) See the notes regarding nepotism.

2) Under the urging to staff by past assembly member Tew the bonding requirements were removed from the contract under the thoughts it would allow newer contractors to bid on the contracts. Unfortunately, that falls under the same thought as to why banks won’t loan money to people with a 400 credit score. They don’t have a performance history, for the bonding company to back the intentions to fulfill the obligations of the contract. The MSB didn’t receive bids from new contractors because the contract is a mess and new contractors would need large amounts of capitol to get equipment to perform the job.

3) Why are none of the other large contractors bidding? Western, QAP, Kopperud, Cruz Construction, Granite Construction, Scoggin, Northern Dame, Collins Construction, Valley General, K&H?

4) Under the new contract the MSB removed mandatory equipment requirements and shortened the contracts to one year. This is also short sided as graders and plow trucks are at a minimum $400,000 each. With a one year contract no lender is going to loan funds to purchase the equipment to perform the work needed in the contract.

5) Under the new contract what recourse does the MSB have to make a contractor fulfill its obligations? I don’t see any language in the contract for that. How is a contract terminated? What will the attorney need to allow it to happen? That’s the other purpose of bonding. The old contract stated 3 letters of deficiency was cause for termination.

6) Mr. Tew has a long history with the MSB of poor performance under the contract. When he was terminated last time he had 85 letters in his file of non-performance. Because of that performance bonding was going to be extremely expensive. (So we will just wave bonding so he can bid?) That seems that the MSB is manipulating the system to let someone bid. He is the only contractor bidding without bonding in hand.

I encourage every Citizen to read the links, and know that of the 2 Banker’s Boxes of binders that I am still teasing threads from, Your Tax Dollars at Work, getting a Dividend of your Military/Government Investment, so to speak, as well as 5 thumbdrives, some folders labeled as “Redacted Emails, Borough…etc” and I just used my custom Linux machine and “un-redacted” all of that. But, that ain’t ready for Prime Time. And I will humbly suggest some folks get their Houses in Order, because those after-Midnight typings are very telling. And, No Takesy-Backsies here, it’s all timestamped and forensically-recovered, because I have a very high level of intelligence gathering, and know what is admissible, or is the fruit of the poisoned tree.

As a citizen said to me, succinctly: “This is going to get real ugly.” I replied with a famous quote: “Let them hate, so long as they Fear.”

Op Ed and a Public Service Notice by Dennis R. Garrett

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